Hi IPv6ers,

        You might recall some time ago I stirred up some interest
in my Optimistic DAD draft, which seeks to eliminate DAD delay
without significantly increasing the risk involved in address
collision.  In the meantime it's picked up a couple of independant
implementations[1] and a couple of conference publications[2].

        It was debated fairly thoroughly in MobileIP WG, 
(I presented the idea to the WG in San Francisco[3]) but
has since been judged to be outside the scope of that group,
as it is applies to any situation needing fast address 
configuration, not just MobileIP.

        IPv6 WG seems the proper place for it to be developed
further, and I'd like to open it up for debate here with the
aim of moving it towards standardization.

The latest version is:
... and it's _still_ only 13 pages long.

Please let me know what you think ... and if there's enough
interest maybe we can discuss it further at Seoul.

-----Nick 'sharkey' Moore.

[1] One by our team at Monash, one by Ed Remmel of Elmic Systems
[2] See <http://bluesky.zoic.org/sharkey/> for refs ...
[3] ... and for slides from these presentations.
Nick Moore, Resarch Fellow        | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Monash University CTIE            | <http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/ipv6/>
Australian Telecommunications CRC | <http://www.telecommunications.crc.org.au/>

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