Hi Nick,

I'd certainly be interested in hearing about this and having the IPv6 group
take it up, since the MIP group declined to take it up. I haven't read the
draft in a while, but I will try to take a look at it before the meeting. If
there is enough interest, I am not sure whether it would be a standalone
item or rather folded into 2642bis, though. Do you have a preference? What
do the WG chairs think?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick 'Sharkey' Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 12:52 AM
Subject: Optimistic DAD _again!_

> Hi IPv6ers,
> You might recall some time ago I stirred up some interest
> in my Optimistic DAD draft, which seeks to eliminate DAD delay
> without significantly increasing the risk involved in address
> collision.  In the meantime it's picked up a couple of independant
> implementations[1] and a couple of conference publications[2].
> It was debated fairly thoroughly in MobileIP WG,
> (I presented the idea to the WG in San Francisco[3]) but
> has since been judged to be outside the scope of that group,
> as it is applies to any situation needing fast address
> configuration, not just MobileIP.
> IPv6 WG seems the proper place for it to be developed
> further, and I'd like to open it up for debate here with the
> aim of moving it towards standardization.
> The latest version is:
> <draft-moore-ipv6-optimistic-dad-04.txt>
> ... and it's _still_ only 13 pages long.
> Please let me know what you think ... and if there's enough
> interest maybe we can discuss it further at Seoul.
> -----Nick 'sharkey' Moore.
> [1] One by our team at Monash, one by Ed Remmel of Elmic Systems
> [2] See <http://bluesky.zoic.org/sharkey/> for refs ...
> [3] ... and for slides from these presentations.
> -- 
> Nick Moore, Resarch Fellow        | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Monash University CTIE           | <http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/ipv6/>
> Australian Telecommunications CRC |
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