Bill Manning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| be prepared to defend yourself in court(s) in any number of
| jurisdictions.

Against whom exactly would he be defending?  Presumably the litigation would
be initiated by someone who had a financial stake in the matter.  Are you
acknowledging that the current address rental model exists for profit rather
than as a solution to the technical problem of address & routing table slot

| You should check w/ the RIRs on their role/position
| wrt legal precident on address/prefix ownership.

Umm, wouldn't they (at least some of them) be a bit biased since it is
additional revenue that they might want for themselves?

| You should
| have the ISOC/IETF legal team review the creation of property rights
| by the WG chairs and the IESG.

How do these allocations create property rights any more than the original
IPv4 allocations used before the rental model was introduced?

| Its not going to be easy and its
| not clear the effort justifies the exposure, at least to me.

It is true that these days it is possible to cook up a legal storm about
almost anything.  What is the true reason for doing so in this case?

| If you do this, I will have to rethink my use of IPv6 as tainted
| goods.

I think a lot of folks will rethink their use of IPv6 if they can't get
permanent address space.

| The IETF should stick to -PROTOCOL- development, not create
| property rights to be fought over in courts.

But the IETF has already (at least indirectly) created property rights--and
very valuable ones--for the registries and ISPs who rent addresses.  A rental
property is still a property.  Your complaint seems to be with property rights
for end users, not with property rights in general.

                                Dan Lanciani
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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