Dave's re-word works for me, and see also section 4.1 of
'draft-ietf-v6ops-unmaneval-01.txt' for ndproxy use cases.

Thanks - Fred

--- Dave Thaler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I mostly agree with Erik's suggested text, but would reword it
> a bit to say three things:
> 1) the concept of proxied NAs is not introduced by this draft,
> it's in the base ND spec, and the mechanisms in this draft do 
> not introduce any additional security issues beyond the ones 
> inherent in the base ND spec (which at Draft Std)
> 2) IPv4 ARP proxying is widely deployed and the security of this
> spec is no worse than IPv4 ARP proxying.  Hence it does not make
> the situation worse, but instead provides the potential for adding
> security in the future.
> 3) this document assumes that securing proxyied NA's would be 
> done by an extension to SEND
> -Dave
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Erik Nordmark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 9:06 AM
> > To: Dave Thaler
> > Subject: ndproxy and SEND
> > 
> > draft-thaler-ipv6-ndproxy-02.txt says:
> > 
> > > o    Support secure IPv6 neighbor discovery.  This is discussed in
> > >      the Security Considerations section.
> > 
> > I don't understand what it means to support SEND, given that the
> > combination of SEND and ndproxy currently doesn't work.
> > 
> > > As a result, securing Neighbor Discovery or ARP must take into
> > > account the ability to proxy messages.  This document does not
> > > introduce any new requirements in this regard.
> > 
> > I would be much clearer if the document instead said
> >     This document assumes that SEND provide security for
> >     proxy neighbor advertisement.
> > 
> > The fact that SEND doesn't currently provide security for proxy
> neighbor
> > advertisements is an indication that 1) there isn't much perceived
> need
> > for it and/or 2) it is hard to do since authorization is a challenge.
> > 
> > Hence it is useful to be very clear about the assumption on what SEND
> > provides.
> > 
> >   Erik
> > 
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