At 02:19 AM 3/4/2004 +0900, JINMEI Tatuya / =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCP0BMQEMjOkgbKEI=?= wrote:
In the wg meeting on Tuesday, several concerns were raised regarding
this issue (and the proposed resolution).  To summarize (some of)

1. the resolution proposes to say "the stateful protocol is DHCPv6"
   clearly, without leaving other possibilities.  This would require
   RFC3315 (DHCPv6) to be listed as a normative reference.  However,
   we'll then face a reference dependency issue, since rfc2462bis is
   soon expected to be recycled as a DS while RFC3315 is still a PS.
   (BTW: I could not find a direct source of this dependency issue.
   Could someone give me a pointer?)

Do you mean that a DS spec cannot have an informative reference to a PS spec?

- Ralph

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