At 04:24 PM 3/18/2004 +0200, Pekka Savola wrote:
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Ole Troan wrote:
> >> Haberman's ICMP prefix delegation draft initiated the IPv6 W.G's work
> >> on prefix delegation. it pretty soon became clear that we were
> >> reinventing DHCP, so instead of developing a new DHCP lookalike, we
> >> decided to reuse the existing DHCP infrastructure instead.
> >
> > That was probably based on the premise that it would have had to
> > re-implement everything that DHCP could provide.  I don't make that
> > assumption.
> no, it was made on the assumption that the protocol would have to
> fulfill the requirements as stated in the requirements document.

What I proposed does this; let's see:

Let's be clear: Ole did not say anything about whether your proposal does or does not meet the requirements in draft-ietf-ipv6-prefix-delegation-requirement-04.txt. Ole stated that RFC3633 meets those requirements, which it does without requiring that a PD delegating router "re-implement everything that DHCP could provide".

- Ralph

> can you please specify exactly what you want to simplify? it is hard
> to argue against vague statements like 'complex' and 'heavyweight'...

I want to simplify the protocol, for the protocol to be simple and
easy to understand, and trivial to implement.  DHCPv6 PD spec is about
20 pages long; that is one primer: the whole protocol should be no
longer than that.

Of course, all of this is a moot point if the consensus is that full
DHCPv6 must be implemented by every box (especially if it could be
used as a router); but I don't think such exists.

For clarity, no one has stated (or even suggested) that "DHCPv6 must be implemented by every box". If a vendor wants to make PD available in a product, the vendor implements DHCPv6 PD. If a vendor doesn't think PD will be a selling point in a product, the vendor is free not to implement it. Why would DHCPv6 PD be any different from any other IETF protocol?

- Ralph

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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