On 23-apr-04, at 17:05, JINMEI Tatuya / [EMAIL PROTECTED]@C#:H wrote:

> Some people commented that we needed to clarify what's bad with the
> M/O flags if we want to deprecate (or remove) them.

You only discuss "what would break if we deprecate these flags". I have no problems with the text that follows, but I DO have a very big problem with changing these flags. You can't just go around and change protocol specifications every few years just because it looks better that way.

Besides, NOW is certainly not the time to do it, as DHCPv6 is finally there, but hasn't seen much if any real-life experience yet, and additional "other configuration" mechanisms are still under discussion for at least one very important configuration item: recursive DNS server addresses.

I implore this wg to venture out into the real world and ask operators what they need to be able to use IPv6 rather than regurgitate the same RFCs over and over. This goes double for v6ops.

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