>>>>> On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 14:50:26 +0900, 
>>>>> JINMEI Tatuya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hmm, despite the notice, people have started and explored the
> specific discussion on which protocols should be specified for the M/O
> flags and how we describe it...

> Please recall such a discussion will become meaningless (in the scope
> of rfc2462bis) unless we can agree on specifying particular protocols
> for these flags.  So let's first make a consensus on this.

> I guess it's okay for most of those who joined the specific discussion
> to specify particular protocols.  In fact, they seem to have assumed
> the agreement.

> Can we think this shows a consensus here?  If someone strongly
> disagrees with this idea, please speak up right now.

It might be too early to conclude, but I interpret the silence as an
agreement at the moment.

So, what we've agreed on so far are:

- we'll keep the M and O flags
- we should clearly specify the protocols corresponding to the flags
  (without leaving ambiguity)
- the protocol for the M flag is DHCPv6 (we've already reached a
  consensus on this, but I mention it explicitly because we've had
  some fundamental discussions)

And what we should discuss from now on are:

- which protocol should be used for the O flag
- details of the relationship between each flag and protocol, e.g.
  whether we should mandate to invoke the protocol or we can just
  regard the flag as a hint and let the host decide if it invokes the
  protocol (as Christian suggested), etc.

I'll be off from the list for a vacation until May 7th.  Hopefully the
discussion will continue in a productive manner during the period but
will not diverge very much:-)


                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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