> If the client does not want address assignment, is it okay for the
> client to send a Solicit without including an IA option?  It's not
That should be possible, yes. The purpose of a solicit message is to
find a DHCPv6 server or a relay agent, there's no implication that it
has some immediate connection to address assignment (which makes IA
options mandatory).

>    The client MUST ignore any Advertise message that includes a Status
>    Code option containing the value NoAddrsAvail, with the exception
>    that the client MAY display the associated status message to the
>    user.
> and so the exchange should fail at this stage.
That is only true if the client included an IA option in a request in
the first place (e.g. to ask for an address for this particular
interface that is in this IA). If it did not include any IA options, the
server consequently does not have to set the status code of the
advertise message to NoaddrsAvail because address assignment can only be
done in the context of an Identity Association.


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