>  > > For each multicast interface:
>  > > 
>  > >    IsRouter       A flag indicating whether routing is enabled on 
>  > >                   this interface. Enabling routing on the 
>  > interface 
>  > >                   would imply that a router can forward packets 
>  > >                   to or from the interface. 
>  > > 
>  > > This issue is now resolved
>  > 
>  >    sorry about late comment, but how far would you like to go?
>  >    like interface A forwards to B (and vice versa), and C-D, ...
>  >    how would you describe?
> => I don't understand the comment. The definition implies that you
> can't forward from a non-routing interface. Perhaps you mean
> that you should be able to forward _to_ a non-routing interface?

        no.  by making "router" per-interface, you could have multiple
        set of interfaces which forward packet to/from.  for instance,
        your router has 10 interfaces, and #1 is host mode, #2-#4 exchange
        traffic as router, #5-#9 exchange traffic as router (it's separate
        from #2-#4), and #10 is host mode.  once you go into "router/host is
        a per-interface thing" you need to describe such combinaions in full
        detail.  do you see my point?

>  >    i'm for simple "router or host" in document, and leave 
>  > per-interface
>  >    "router" as a exercise for reader ("virtual router" 
>  > concept is not new
>  >    so vendors will make such device anyways).
> => The issue at hand is that the doc is not clear on 
> nodes that are both hosts and routers. Do you see any
> harm in making the definition per interface? 

        yes.  i see a big harm and disambiguity introduced by the change.
        again, keep the document simple, and let vendors do funny/complex
        things if they want to.


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