
I'd like for the WG to consider one addition / spelling out for 
2461bis in section 7.2.2 on address resolution:

   If no Neighbor Advertisement is received after MAX_MULTICAST_SOLICIT
   solicitations, address resolution has failed.  The sender MUST return
   ICMP destination unreachable indications with code 3 (Address
   Unreachable) for each packet queued awaiting address resolution.

Add something like:

   The ICMP indication of local address resolution failure SHOULD be 
   treated as a hard error [RFC1122].

(the language is a bit wishy-washy because I don't want all the
address unreachable ICMP messages to be treated like this, just the
ones which the host in question generated "internally")

.. the justification is that if one tries to establish communications 
on a local link, or if the router has gone down and you can't send the 
packet to anyone, TCP should fail over and try another address (or 
address family); this is important e.g., if you have v4 and v6 on a 
link, and they go through different routers.

This is already done at least by one implementation; I don't know how
common this kind of interpretation is, but it is probably worth
spelling out so that it can be considered in more general as needed.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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