
You are side-stepping my question and twisting it into
a matter of what is currently done vs. what is best.

What is our goal here: to get IPv6 deployed in the right
way, or to preserve the "legacy" deployed IPv6 base?


Pekka Savola wrote:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004, Fred Templin wrote:

In the case of logical (pt-to-pt) interfaces, actual per-source traffic
measurements may be readily available. In such cases, why would
an implementation use an aggregate estimator when it can easily
compute actual per-source values for rate limiting??

I vote for the "SHOULD" option for per-interface rate limiting
when per-source traffic measurements are available.

Are there any implementations doing this or interface-specific limiting? None that I know of, but please enlighten us if so. I don't think having such in a draft standard is acceptable.

On the other hand, node-based token bucket limiters are commonplace, and work without any perceived problems AFAICS even behind slow/fast interfaces, behind tunnels, etc. -- why do we need to say more than that?

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