Hi Jinmei,
  I am in agreement with your proposed changes.

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 6:13 AM
Subject: Re: further clarifications on M/O flags in rfc2462bis

> Dear IPv6 folks, and especially Margaret,
> I've not seen any responses to the following proposal:
> >>>>> On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 03:56:54 +0900,
> >>>>> JINMEI Tatuya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > So, I now tend to propose the following approach:
> > - clearly saying in rfc2462bis "it does not specify the use of the M/O
> >   flags." (not mentioning other documents).  Specifically, remove the
> >   7th paragraph of Section 4 (beginning with "The details of how a
> >   host may use the M flag...")
> > - also clarifying in rfc2462bis that the protocol described in
> >   rfc2462bis should be performed independently from these flags (in a
> >   clearer way).
> > (and, if we take this idea, the "separate document", whatever it is,
> > should become a PS instead of a BCP as we originally planned).
> > Please note that this is NOT an attempt to "remove" or "deprecate" the
> > M/O flags.  We've already discussed the idea and rejected it, and I
> > don't see a reason for revisiting the past arguments.  This is an
> > attempt to make rfc2462bis more self-contained and more matured as a
> > DS, considering the current implementation/deployment experiences of
> > the M/O flags and the other parts of the original RFC2462.
> > Still, this will require non-trivial changes to the current version of
> > rfc2462bis, so I'd like to get explicit agreement/disagreement from
> > the working group.
> I'm happy if the silence means agreement, but I suspect others have
> been simply too busy for other discussion items to read or comment on
> it, since I thought the above proposal could be quite controversial.
> So, I made an experimental next revision of the rfc2462bis draft based
> on this proposal and put it at:
> http://www.jinmei.org/draft-ietf-ipv6-rfc2462bis-07beta1.txt
> Specifically,
> - this revision does not mention the M/O flags at all.
> - this revision does not use the phrase "stateful" (except in change
>   logs).  But I replaced the phrase with "DHCPv6" wherever
>   appropriate.  For example, this revision says like:
>      DAD is performed on all addresses, independent of whether they
>      are obtained via stateless autoconfiguration or DHCPv6.
>   instead of saying "via stateful autoconfiguration".
> To make progress, I'd like to be sure if this approach is acceptable.
> If you have time, please check the proposal and the experimental next
> revision, and let me know your opinion.  If it's okay, I'm then going
> to address other comments from Margaret (as the shepherding AD).
> Thanks,
> JINMEI, Tatuya
> Communication Platform Lab.
> Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
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