
I am trying to address the following comment of yours for
the ICMPv6 draft (draft-ietf-ipngwg-icmp-v3-06.txt).

Please see my comments inline..

> The document includes a ref to RFC 2780 but never mentions it.
> In the IANA considerations, it needs to state that it obsoletes 
> 2780's IANA instructions on ICMPv6.

Good catch.  What about adding the following text in the IANA
Consideration section in the next rev ?

This specification obsoletes 2780's IANA instructions for ICMPv6.
The IANA is requested to use the guidelines provided in this
specfication for assigning ICMPv6 type and code values as soon
as this specification is published as a RFC.

> The RFC Editor needs to be told that this RFC updates 2780,

Why do we need to tell this to RFC Editor ?  and this draft
does not update the 2780 as a whole.  It just updates the part
that talks about ICMP.

> as well as obsoleting the previous ICMPv6 spec. 

We already have "This document obsoletes RFC 2463 [RFC-2463]."
line in the introduction of the current draft.  Is it not
enough ?

> new IANA Considerations are great. We should make sure the 
> loose ends are tied. 

We have tried to tie them all :)  If you see any loose ends,
please let us know.


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