>>>>> On Fri, 8 Apr 2005 07:24:25 -0600, 
>>>>> Kristine Adamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>> Suggestion:

>> 1) Set up an issue tracker for this (and perhaps every IPv6 RFC for
>> which there are some known errors/omissions?) that keeps track of
>> these sorts of things. That way folk will be able to more easily
>> find the list of outstanding issues (and their likely resolution),
>> and we (the IETF community) won't lose track of them.
>> 2) Although it may be overkill in this case, one could easily publish
>> a (very!) short RFC just listing the additional code points, so
>> that they are documened in the RFC series, and folk looking at the
>> older RFC can find the new RFC via the "updated by" tag.

> Besides adding the programming names of the new ICMPv6 code points to 
> RFC3542, the following documents an old, minor problem with RFC3542, that 
> was listed in the errata.  This problem could also be resolved with a new, 
> short RFC that updates RFC3542.  Since there are 2 problems that could be 
> resolved with a new RFC, do we now have sufficient reasons to publish a 
> new RFC?  Thanks!

Opinions may vary, but I personally still do *not* think the
followings are enough for even a "very short RFC":
  - the minor correction recorded at the RFC errata page
  - macro names for the two new ICMPv6 codes

I personally think it makes more sense to file the issues at an issue
tracker (suggestion 1 from Thomas).  With future possible
issues/corrections/additions in that page, we'll probably reach the
point where most of us can agree on the need for an updating RFC.

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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