
In my opinion SLP has some issues to be deployed, at least it has for our
case when we worked in Tunnel End Point discovery (see section 3.5).

A more complete version is available at

Also, a possible solution:

I think that we worked out for TEP discovery could also be applicable for
the discovery of other services.


> De: Mark Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Responder a: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Fecha: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 15:13:39 +0930
> Para: "Abhijit Chaudhary (abchaudh)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CC: "ipv6@ietf.org" <ipv6@ietf.org>
> Asunto: Re: IPv6 Service Discovery
> Hi Abhijit,
> I don't know all that much about how it operates however, I think that
> is what "SLP - Service Location Protocol" is designed for. From RFC2608
> -
> "  The Service Location Protocol provides a scalable framework for the
>    discovery and selection of network services.  Using this protocol,
>    computers using the Internet need little or no static configuration
>    of network services for network based applications.  This is
>    especially important as computers become more portable, and users
>    less tolerant or able to fulfill the demands of network system
>    administration."
> I don't know enough about it to say whether it allows for or needs to be
> updated to support IPv6.
> On a related note, I'd be curious to know if anybody is updating NetBIOS
> over IP / CIFS to support IPv6. I'd think that NetBIOS / CIFS file and
> print sharing probably carries more data on a daily basis than any other
> IPv4 carried protocol. Maybe that is one cause for people not
> introducing IPv6 to their enterprise networks - their most commonly used
> application protocol isn't supported over it.
> Regards,
> Mark.
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