
I fully agree with you that a new identifier name space should not be mixed with any existing locator space. In other words, from an ideal architectural point of view, the goals of having non-routable identifiers that have different semantics from IPv6 addresses definitely do not warrant allocation from the IPv6 address space. There we fully agree, and and that is exactly how I would like to see the architecture to be in the longer run: an identifier space fully separate from the locator space, the locator space consisting mainly of IPv6 addresses. (The IPv4 story is also there, but it is more messy; I'll skip it here for the sake of clarity.)

But we need a transition strategy!

Requiring a change that mandates that you
  1) change your stack,
  2) introduce a new piece of infrastructure, and
  3) change your applications
is a no-starter. Such changes won't happen, or if they do, it takes at least 10 years. Haven't we learned anything from the pain we are feeling with IPv6?

Hence, we need a transition strategy that allows us to move from the current situation into full blown identifier / locator split along a path where each step is easy enough and brings benefits by itself.

My current view is that we will be progressing along two (or perhaps three) parallel paths, the steps being roughly as follows:

1a. Implement SHIM6
   - changes stack
   - does not change applications
   - implements identifier / locator split, but
     - keeps identifier and locator semantics and syntax identical
   - does not require any additional infrastructure
   - works only with IPv6

1b. Implement "invisible" HIP that uses IP addresses as identifiers
   - changes stack
   - does not change applications
   - implements identifier / locator split, but
     - keeps identifier and locator semantics and syntax identical
   - does not require any additional infrastructure
   - works with both IPv4 and IPv6
   - is more heavyweight than SHIM6

2a. Implement KHIs on the top of SHIM6
   - changes stack but minimally from 1a, perhaps not at all
   - does not change applications
   - continues identifier / locator split by
   - requires additional infrastructure to KHI->locator mapping
   - works only with IPv6

2b. Implement HIP with KHIs in the legacy API
   - does not change stack from 1b
   - does not change applications
   - continues identifier / locator split by
- making a minimal difference in identifier and locator syntax and semantics
   - requires additional infrastructure to KHI->locator mapping
   - works with both IPv4 and IPv6
   - is more heavyweight than SHIM6

3. Implement full HIP, with a new HIP-aware API
   - does not change stack from 2b
   - does change applications
   - continues identifier / locator split by
     - making identifiers and locators fully separate
   - does not work any additional infrastructure compared to 2
   - works with both IPv4 and IPv6
   - is more heavyweight than SHIM6

Note that "HIP" above does not necessarily mean HIP as currently defined, but something that combines host-layer mobility, multi- homing, and security in a HIP-like way. It may grow from the current HIP, it may grow from SHIM6, it may grow from IPsec+IKEv2+MOBIKE +BTNS, or it may grow from MIP+MONAMI6, or from some combination of those. Or we may end up having three or four different ways of implementing it. What is important here is the semantics; if we end up with multiple protocols to implement the semantics, well then we do.

To summarise my idea of the transition path, we progress step-by-step:

  1. Change the stack
  2. Introduce KHIs and supporting infrastructure
  3. Change the API and applications

Trying to do any combination of the steps at once would decrease the chances of success proportionally. Trying to do all three at once is bound to fail.

So, the one and only reason why KHIs need to be *temporarily* allocated from the IPv6 address space is to allow smooth transition without requiring any changes to existing applications. In theory we could live without such allocation, creating syntactically similar overlapping spaces, but that would not be prudent engineering. During the transition some identifiers are bound to leak to the locator space, as Alan pointed out. It is just prudent engineering to minimise the effects of such leaks, both in the implementation (within the stack) and in the operational environment (in live networks). Even if there was no implementation errors, some upper layer protocols would still send these identifiers to non-consenting hosts, causing indirect leaks.

Finally, note that we have very carefully proposed to use KHIs as an *experiment* until 2009. By that time we will know much better if the transition strategy is working, and if it is, how long longer we will need the allocation. If the transition is not taking place at all, which is of course possible, the allocation will be defaulted back to IANA.


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