On Thu, 27 Apr 2006, Eliot Lear wrote:
> Roger,
> > On Thu, 27 Apr 2006, Soohong Daniel Park wrote:
> >   
> >> While adopting ULA into the local networks, I am curious
> >> how to set universal/local bit of Interface ID. There is
> >> no any mention in RFC4193. Which is correct ? 1 or 0 ?
> > 1 is for those assigned to you while 0 are free for any to use last I read 
> > up on the subject.
> >   
> By my reading I think you have it backwards.  Here is the relevant text:
>       L                 Set to 1 if the prefix is locally assigned.
>                         Set to 0 may be defined in the future.  See
>                         Section 3.2 for additional information.

sorry my mistake.

> Today, so far as I know, there is no defined allocation plan or system
> for one to set that bit to 0.

Some months ago I asked about ULA and there was some discussion, one of 
them should include a link to a discussion about some ideas of a plan. 
Maybe they've moved on? Haven't seen anything more about it.

(the list was either [EMAIL PROTECTED] or this list, don't remember and my 
mailarchive is a bit offline right now :( )


Roger Jorgensen              |
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           | - IPv6 is The Key!

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