
>> While adopting ULA into the local networks, I am curious
>> how to set universal/local bit of Interface ID. There is
>> no any mention in RFC4193. Which is correct ? 1 or 0 ?
> First to clarify your question, I think you are asking about the  
> universal/local bit discussed in the forth paragraph of Section  
> 2.5.1. "Interface Identifiers" of RFC4291.  Not the "L" bit in RFC4193.

Yes. Definitely L=1

> The ULA document defines how to creates a local prefix for the site.   
> A node would create it's interface IDs in the normal matter as  
> specified in RFC4291.  Nothing special is required or even desired.   
> The L bit setting is independent of the prefix (global unicast, link- 
> local, ULA, etc.).

So, universal/local bit = 1. Because ULA provides its globally uniqueness.
Correct ?


Daniel (Soohong Daniel Park)
Mobile Convergence Laboratory, SAMSUNG Electronics.

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