FWIW, based on my skimming of the document, I think this is a bad
approach. Reasons:

1) the scenario is rather limited, a single link directly connected to
   multiple ISPs (through different routers). IMO, this is too
   limiting a scenario to develop a specifiic solution that doesn't
   address a other scenarios.

2) It places additional complexity in the hosts, and it is not clear
   to me that the benefits are sufficient. Indeed, it's not
   immediately clear what the "multihoming" aspect is. In my mind,
   "multihoming" means having multiple ISP connections, and actually
   using them simultaneously. The approach in the document seems to
   consist of "pick just one", which is not multihoming IMO. Or if it
   is "use multiple ones simultaneously", then the host needs to be
   sure to route packets to the right router based on the source
   adddresses used. That is signifificant (new) complexity and I am
   not at all sure we should be doing that at this point in time.

So, at this time, color me very skeptical to this idea.

Indeed, I'd prefer backing up a bit and having discussions about the
problem statement and what the actual problem is that needs solving.


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