
First, please note that ABI does change with time, 
that's why we have APIs :)

Further, the new API does change the ABI, but it does 
not break backward ABI compatibility: 

- compile an old version of the library on an old 
system without the new API so that is conforms to the 
old ABI. 

- compile a piece of code on a old system without the 
new API so that it conforms to the old ABI. 

- link the piece of code conforming to the old ABI with 
a library conforming to the old ABI. 

- run the resulting old ABI-conforming binary on a new 
system with the new ABI: it works.

Now what your example essentially does is: 

- compile an old library on an old system without the 
new API so that is conforms to the old ABI. 

- compile a piece of code on a new system with the new 
API so that it conforms to the new ABI. 

- link the piece of code conforming with the new ABI 
with a library conforming to an old ABI. 

Surprise: it breaks! 

Regarding the need for an application to save defaults 
if it want to restore them, I don't see that saving 
requirement as an issue. As we saw before, an 
application has already many things to save (e.g. save 
a value of the pointer to an addrinfo structure if it 
wants to free it :)


On Monday 12 March 2007 17:08, Rémi Denis-Courmont 
> Le lundi 12 mars 2007 11:31, Julien Laganier a 
écrit :
> > An updated version of the IPv6 address selection
> > API draft has been published (see below). Over the
> > years, this draft has been reviewed by many
> > participants to the IPv6 WG, and has been
> > supported by many of them. Their feedback has been
> > incorporated in successive revision of the draft.
> > There are also serious implementers waiting for
> > this draft to be published.
> This new version still breaks ABI compatibility,
> meaning any implementors would have to rebuild any
> software using getaddrinfo against a new library.
> This is an example code that shows one breakage
> case: ai_eflags gets an undefined value. You simply
> cannot change the size of a known structure in C
> APIs (unless you pass a size value, such as bind()
> and connect() do).
> http://www.remlab.net/files/divers/eaddr.c
> There are use-case for this; I DO know applications
> using this kind of construct.
> To avoid this, either a new API is defined (e.g.
> geteaddrinfo with a struct eaddrinfo), or preference
> flags are stored in ai_flags which still has more
> than enough bits available for this purpose.
> Also, what is the rationale for not following the
> current practice of using -1 as the system default
> for setsockopt, instead of requiring the application
> to store the value? That only "kills" one bit, but
> will allow for the corner-case race condition where
> the local default has changed in-between, and
> simplify implementors life a lot (there are so many
> case where you just pass socket handles through
> different layers, and simply cannot pass anything
> else without large changes).

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