At Thu, 24 May 2007 17:07:49 -0400,
Joe Abley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've identified the following areas in which 00 might be modified,  
> based on traffic in this list and a small handful of private mail.  
> Please comment on the following, and point out any other outstanding  
> issues that I missed.
> I intend to circulate candidate text changes to this list before -01  
> is submitted, in the interests of making -01 as close to finished as  
> possible.
> 1. More description on what the potential problems with RH0 are.  
> Whilst it appears there there is general agreement that a detailed  
> treatment would best belong in a separate document, some stand-alone  
> summaries in deprecate-rh0 would be useful.
> Illjitsch sent some text, and I had previously worked on some  
> summaries of the issues presented at CanSecWest. I propose to add  
> some suitable summary text to the Security Considerations section.
> 2. More precise description of what deprecate means in the context of  
> this document.
> 3. Tidying up the language in section 4.2 ("regardless of type") to  
> make it less ambiguous.
> 4. Adding "Updates: 4294" (IPv6 Node Requirements).
> What else did I miss?
This seems like a good list.  I am hoping that 01 might be done soon
and moved on so that I can be comfortable updating the code.


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