At Mon, 28 May 2007 17:03:47 -0400,
Joe Abley wrote:
> [1  <text/plain; US-ASCII (7bit)>]
> On 24-May-2007, at 17:07, Joe Abley wrote:
> > I've identified the following areas in which 00 might be modified,  
> > based on traffic in this list and a small handful of private mail.  
> > Please comment on the following, and point out any other  
> > outstanding issues that I missed.
> I have made some edits. Note that I am hoping to reach consensus on  
> the changes to -00 which will produce -01 so that once -01 is  
> submitted, it is ready for working group last call.
> Attached is a proposed -01, and a unified diff from -00 follows.  
> Please comment on the changes, and suggest others which are needed.

I am fine with your 01 proposal.


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