On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

I see Thomas' argument for tolerating occasional use of AAAA entries in the
global DNS for ULAs - but it seems that it leads to too many complications
to be recommended. Since I'm sure the IETF isn't ready yet to endorse the
reality of split DNS deployment, wouldn't it be best to say that ULA-Cs
SHOULD NOT be included in the global DNS? (And that is a significant
difference in scope and intent compared with PI.)

I like the idea of having DNS combined with ULA-C but that just poison the entire idea of global unique private IP space in IPv6.

So yes, remove the entire part about DNS from this draft, simply state ULA-C provide no reverse in the global DNS, or how it can be phrased best. Maybe "ULA-C should not be included in the global DNS" is good enough.

and at the same time state that if you required global DNS get it from the RIRs.


Roger Jorgensen              | - ROJO9-RIPE  - RJ85P-NORID
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           | - IPv6 is The Key!

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