> I see Thomas' argument for tolerating occasional use of AAAA entries in the
> global DNS for ULAs - but it seems that it leads to too many complications
> to be recommended. Since I'm sure the IETF isn't ready yet to endorse the
> reality of split DNS deployment, wouldn't it be best to say that ULA-Cs
> SHOULD NOT be included in the global DNS? (And that is a significant
> difference in scope and intent compared with PI.)
>      Brian

        It really is no worse than having any other address which is
        partly or fully firewalled off.  The big difference between
        ULA-C and ULA-L is the the former is guarenteed to be unique
        and the later is not.  Ambigious addresses in the DNS are bad.
        Non reachable (except for nameservers) arn't.


Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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