On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 05:22:24PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Please answer me this, however (anyone, not just Paul):
> - of the additional requirements listed, which of those are not available
> (e.g. automatically) for PI allocations in the DFZ?
> What I'm asking, of course, is this:
> Is there *anything* unique to ULA that is not possible to implement with
> PI allocations by RIRs?

AfriNIC has said they will recind PI address space that is not "announced"
within a year. you may interpret "announce" as you wish. i assume they
mean in the DFZ.

which means PI space from AfriNIC is unusable for this purpose.

-- bill

ps. i sent a lengthy mail to this list detailing this but nobody replied.
    i hope the point that just because RIRs now have PI policies that
    may allow for PI space that you don't announce, that may not always
    be the case. AfriNIC is already a counter-example. their policy may
    change too.

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