
In your deployment, you probably control the host as well and hence can
choose DHCPv6 as the only mechanism for address assignment. This works fine
in such an environment. But not in an environment where many different types
of hosts with different capabilities could attach to the network.

Is there a logical argument for not allowing hosts to configure addresses
via SLAAC? 


On 9/28/07 9:01 AM, "ext Alain Durand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Coming late into this discussion...
> In our deployment which concern a very large number of devices (many
> millions), we will use DHCPv6 only.
> In our internal infrastructure, we are planning to use mostly DHCPv6 on
> servers and manual config for anything where DHCPv6 may not make sense, eg
> routers.
> 0% stateless autoconf.
>     - Alain.
> On 9/24/07 4:12 AM, "Tim Chown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 02:37:33PM -0700, Bob Hinden wrote:
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>I and I suspect others took it as a serious question.  Since you
>>>>> > >>didn't answer, I ignored your poll.
>>>>> > >>
>>>> > >I didn't answer *yet* as of then, but have answered it now.
>>>> > >
>>>> > >Does this mean you'll answer the poll now?
>>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > Sure, 100% auto-config.
>> I didn't answer orginally because it seems to early to ask the question,
>> without mature DHCPv6 implentations available.
>> We use autoconfig for clients, manual config for servers and routers.
>> We will use DHCPv6 for clients soon.
>> --
>> Tim
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