Le 3 juil. 09 à 19:01, Dave Thaler a écrit :

The use of the universal/local bit in the Modified EUI-64 format
identifier is to allow development of future technology that can
advantage of interface identifiers with universal scope.

First to be noted: this discussion is only about 64 bit-IIDs on IPv6 links. It needs not to interfere with that on IPv6 addresses whose lower bits are never used as IIDs on IPv6 links.

Now on this subject, the sentence that IMHO is even more a problem is that which precedes the sentence you quoted: "IPv6 nodes are not required to validate that interface identifiers created with modified EUI-64 tokens with the "u" bit set to universal are unique."

As we know, the only escape mechanism to define new IID types is <u', g> = <1, 1> (where u' stands for u inverted from EUI-64). The effect of the sentence above is that the only escape mechanism can be used ONLY for new _universal-scope_ IIDs. This ONLY could however be relaxed because, as long as new IID types are not defined yet, all node stacks that have u' = 1 in their IIDs also have g = 0. Stacks that may in the future have both u' and g set to 1 in their local IID can therefore have a different behavior without incompatibility with the installed base.

If a revision an RFC 4291-bis can be envisaged (see www.ietf.org/mail- archive/web/behave/current/msg06102.html), the following proposal will take the opportunity to open, by precaution, the possibility of new IID formats of BOTH universal and local scope.
The two sentences become:
"IPv6 nodes are not required to validate that interface identifiers created with modified EUI-64 tokens with the "u" bit set to universal and the "g" bit set to 0 are unique. NOTE: This use of the universal/local and group bit in the Modified EUI-64 format identifier allows development of future technology that can take advantage of new types of interface identifiers."

I cannot personally identify any operational problem with this relaxation. Besides, one can think of useful proposals based on it, but this should be another debate. The point here is just about formal openness to unspecified future extensions (forward compatibility.)


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