We need to consider what will happen if one of these packets is received by a non-LISP node. Are you assuming

Non-LISP nodes cannot decapsulate LISP packets so they don't have this problem. ;-)

Zero UDP checksums are build in an outer UDP header by an ITR, and an ETR which decapsulates the packet will not check the checksum.

that non-LISP stacks will simply throw away these packets, because they have zero (and therefore invalid) UDP checksums?

We spec'ed this out for AMT as well. Same performance issue.

That's only a good assumption if we assume that LISP is the _only_ protocol that will allow the use of zero checksums. If the packet is processed by the stack, there shouldn't be a non-LISP application on port 4342, so the packet should be dropped. We should define, however, how the sending LISP node will deal with an ICMPv6 "port unreachable" error, so that an error received from the wrong destination does not interfere with communication with the right destination.

I cannot parse any of this and non of it makes sense to me.

We also need to consider the possibility that a packet will be received by a different LISP node than the one for which it was intended, or that it will arrive at the correct LISP destination with the wrong source address in the external header. What happens in those cases?

This doesn't happen since the outer IP header is checksum.


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