On Aug 7, 2009, at 11:24 AM, Francis Dupont wrote:
=> in fact the IPv6 addresses don't need to be the same when xTRs are
attached to regular links with /64 prefixes. So IMHO most of this
discussion is insane:
- if we need to vary things between a pair of IPv6 xTRs it should
 be enough (and simple/easy) to vary the addresses

This is an interesting idea, and I think it is worth exploring. However, there are a couple of issues to overcome...

Would you perform DAD on these addresses before you use them? Or would you somehow delegate a prefix (perhaps longer than a /64) to each xTR for this purpose?

- the O UDP checksum proposal obsoletes all the today deployed nodes
which check them (so all hosts I know and perhaps a lot of routers too), so if we believe something has to be fixed some routers should be fixed
 and not all BSD/Linux/MacOS/Windows boxes (software and hardware).

I think that the idea is that the IPv6 UDP headers with zero checksums will only be sent between the ITR and ETR, so it is only LISP nodes that need to change.

However, I personally would like to be able to implement a compliant LISP node (ITR and ETR) on a desktop operating system like Windows or Unix, and I don't think that one can expect deployed desktop operating systems to be updated (to allow zero UDP checksums in IPv6) any faster than the estimates given for routing updates (3-5 years).

Also, the last time I dealt with zero UDP checksums (mid 1990s), it was only possible to disable UDP checksums (for IPv4) in the unix kernel, so they were on or off for the entire box. Have things evolved since then? Is it possible to have IPv4 UDP checksums enabled (both calculating them and checking them) for some sockets while they are disabled (set to zero, and not checked on receipt) for other sockets? If so, what sockets option is commonly used for this in Unix operating systems?


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