
On Aug 5, 2009, at 09:01 MDT, Sam Hartman wrote:
"Shane" == Shane Amante <> writes:

   Shane> Take a look at the following URL:
   Shane> (Note, I can't vouch for the accuracy of the entire list,
   Shane> but it's about the best publicly available list I've seen).

   Shane> That list includes some very large networks.

Thanks for the data!  Naturally that's only part of the answer to
Margaret's question.  We know which companies offer native IPV6
transit service.
We don't know:

1) How much V6 traffic they have 2) Whether they have V6
infrastructure that would scale to their current V6 traffic or say
their current V4 traffic 3) How much is done in hardware for their V6
infrastructure.  4) How much of their network supports V6/how
widespread their V6 works.  Any information you can provide on these
sorts of questions would be very useful.

I think question #1 is a little impractical, given that data is highly sensitive/confidential to each network. However, one likely can Google/Bing around and find public Exchange points with graphs that show current v6 traffic (as compared to v4 traffic). Of course, I would highlight that these are *public* exchange points, thus they will not show v6 traffic going through private peering connections as well as staying Intra-provider, (i.e.: customer-to-customer inside a single provider) -- see first sentence about sensitivity/ confidentiality. That said, there have been presentations at the last couple of IETF's (I forget if it was in 'behave' or 'v6ops' WG's, or both) surrounding Free Telecom's rollout of '6rd' that show their v6 traffic, which has some astounding growth and traffic rates. Regardless, one should consider the following graphs a absolute "floor" of v6 traffic and there is definitely more, in absolute terms, v6 traffic than is visible in these graphs.
Here's one example from AMS-IX showing v6 traffic:
And, here are graphs showing Total traffic load, (I believe this includes the v6 traffic in the graph above, but am not 100% certain on that point):
According to these graphs, v6 traffic is just a fraction of v4 traffic, but it is definitely growing and, FWIW, it's a lot more than Inter-AS multicast traffic as seen by other graphs at the AMS-IX Web site. :-/

With respect to #2, SP's have been mandating that they only buy v6- capable HW for the last /several years/ as part of the normal growth/ replacement cycle of network equipment. So, yes, this equipment should scale to support v6 traffic at the same, (or nearly the same), rates as v4 traffic today.

#3: All v6 forwarding is done in HW for larger, "PE" or "P" class devices, which are the subject of this thread.

#4: Depends on where the carrier is at in their deployment of v6. However, I would refer you back to question #2, which is even if it's not technically offered at a given location today, it is only a matter of time given that the HW is already deployed to do so (and, has been deployed for several years).

To bring this back up a level, while it's /possible/ to encourage vendors to adopt the IPv6 flow-label as input-keys to their hash- calculations for LAG/ECMP, it takes [a lot] of time to see that materialize in the field. Practically, you're probably looking at somewhere between, at best, a 3 - 5 year window, before it will actually appear in live, production networks, given that it has to be prioritized for development at the vendor, tested, released in software, then re-tested by the SP and, finally, deployed. That's not an "easy" process that happens in the blink-of-an-eye. That's not to say that we (SP's) should not "encourage" vendors to do this, anyway, (we are/will) however if LISP (or other protocols like it that depend on tunneling) quickly gain traction, we need a way to deal with these traffic flows in our networks today, without telling customers: "turn off protocol <FOO>, because we can't deliver your packets". Perhaps one way to satisfy the parties in this conversation would be something along the following lines: - LISP, and other protocols that wish to use tunneling, adopt UDP-lite (or UDP w/ 0 checksums) as a MUST for near-term deployment; - LISP, and other protocols that wish to use tunneling, adopt IP-in- IPv6 tunneling with a flow-label required in the outer IPv6 header as a "SHOULD" for medium- to long-term deployments. ... assuming vendors successfully adopt the IPv6 flow-label as input- keys in their hash calculations at some point in the future, we come back and deprecate the UDP/IPv6 tunnel method and elevate IP-in-IPv6 w/ flow-labels to a MUST.

It likely wouldn't hurt to go back and "tighten up" RFC 3697, as well, in order that it offers more prescriptive behavior in several places, not least of which would be: 1) How to deal with regular IP-in-IPv6 encapsulation, (i.e.: likely by creating a flow-label based on a "hash" of the incoming, to-be- encapsulated L3 & L4 header fields), since the RFC only discusses IPsec tunneling; and, 2) Removing other "gems" (or clarifying them) like the second sentence in the following:
---cut here---
IPv6 nodes MUST NOT assume any mathematical or other properties of the Flow Label values assigned by source nodes. Router performance SHOULD NOT be dependent on the distribution of the Flow Label values. Especially, the Flow Label bits alone make
poor material for a hash key.
---cut here---
... specifically, if "router performance" is meant to imply the behavior of load-balancing on ECMP/LAG paths, then router performance *is* heavily dependent on the distribution of flow-label values ...

I've said all I'm going to say on this thread ...

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