On Mon, 9 Nov 2009, Thomas Narten wrote:

this 4% figure seems *very* high. Can you please provide more details on how you reached that number?

I have personal experience with managing ADSL provider. We noticed approx 5% of all MAC addresses were identical, I've personally seen D-link NAT-boxes shipped with identical MAC addresses and a "clone PC MAC address" feature in the web GUI. D-link support response is "yes, our MAC-addresses are not unique enough".

It's out there, it needs to be handled. NOTHING the end user can change or in other way influence can be trusted, either it's their own fault or someone elses. This is why some manufacturers of DSLAMs etc do MAC-rewrite to handle this situation in flat L2 networks, ie the MAC number will in the aggregation network contain a MAC address that is tied to the customer access line, and cannot be influenced by the end customer. The customer MAC address will only be seen on the actual access line.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se
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