Humble apologies for not reading this lowpan doc, but I have listened to
its core ideas during the past IETFs prezos and understand the link
model being used for it.   I still have some general comments that are
worth discussing when bringing such work to 6man.


Note that if the multi-link, multi-hop network has all client nodes as
off-link to each other, then there is only one type of regular ND
(RFC4861) RA that can signal off-link.  This is an RA with no PIO
(Prefix Information Option).   So if the RA has no PIO, how are the
lowpann client nodes acquiring their IPv6 address global address without
SLAAC getting no prefix from?  In 6man, we would like to know how are
the lowpan clients acquiring their address and do they even have a
global v6 address?  I think I heard some mention of ULA, so that gives
me a hint of global address use because ULA has same scope as a Globally
Unique Address (GUA).   Therefore it would be interesting to see the
IPv6 ND RA config on the lowpan edge routers.


Anyone has working models of this work to demo to us during any future





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