
what Bob outlines below is pretty exactly what I thought the intent of this ID 
was supposed to be, and going in this direction would certainly address my 


On 2010-2-5, at 22:47, Bob Hinden wrote:

> Jari,
>> Then we talked about the strictness. I explained that this is largely a 
>> specification style issue, and in the real world there will always be old 
>> code that doesn't produce the canonical form, and that we hope that this RFC 
>> will convince all new code to do the right thing. However, we came up with 
>> the following proposal to make the specification stricter:
>> - Use RFC 2119 language and MUST. Implementations conforming to this 
>> specification MUST ...
>> - Provide a reference to the currently defined WKPs
>> - In the section that talks about ports, please make sure that for URIs 
>> everyone MUST follow RFC 3986, and for the rest, the default can be again 
>> RFC 3986. The current language leaves everything open, even for URIs.
>> - There's a part about reducing longest sequence of 0s -- it would be great 
>> if we could point to some publicly available code that already does this, as 
>> an informational reference to implementors
>> - We will keep the specification on the Standards Track, i.e., publish it as 
>> a Proposed Standard
>> - This specification Updates RFC 4291
>> Would these changes be acceptable to the working group?
> [No hats on]
> I was thinking about this over the past few days after reading the IESG 
> comments and a discussion with Brian Haberman.  My personal take is that we 
> lost sight of the original goal while trying to meet the broad requirements 
> of the different variants of embedded addresses.
> I was thinking that we should have a strict canonical form along the line of 
> what is proposed in Section 8.  This format SHOULD always be used when an 
> IPv6 address is saved to a file or log as text (as opposed to binary).  The 
> canonical format would not support any of the embedded formats.  Everything 
> would look like:
>  2001:db8:0:0:1:22::1
>  2001:db8:0:0:1::1
>  2001:db8:0:11:222:3333:c000:0201
> Tools could be built that would allow alternative ways to display the 
> addresses in the file.  For example in the second case above, it could be 
> displayed as:
>  2001:db8:0:11:222:3333:
> All operations used to compare and search against entries in the file would 
> performed against the canonical format.  A search tool could allow an address 
> to be entered in an embedded format (or any format defined in RFC4291), but 
> it would convert the address to the canonical format before the search is 
> performed.
> This is similar to the way something a spread sheet deals with dates and 
> times.  The underlying data does not change if the user decides to change the 
> format it is displayed.  Or this is the way that I think tools like tcpdump 
> deal with saved packet traces.  It gives the user control over how the data 
> is displayed, but the data in the file is in a general format.
> In this approach, a specific tool would always work to show the user 
> consistent address formats and avoid the problems enumerated in the draft.  
> For example, if a tool knew how to detect and show IPv6 addresses with 
> embedded IPv4 addresses, it would show everything that way.  If the tool 
> didn't it would still provide the user a consistent view of the addresses.  I 
> think this is the overall intent of this draft.
> I think this would be a better approach and allow us to solve the problem 
> originally as intended when the w.g. took this work on.
> I would appreciate your and the w.g.'s comments.
> Thanks,
> Bob

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