Hi all,
In RFC 4293,
- ipAddressTable is described as writable, this table uses address
as index, but the critical information for configuring address, the
address prefix ipAddressPrefix node is read-only. It seems
contradict to me.
This table uses address as index, but the public network and VPN
may have exactly the same IP address. This table does not
explicitly say whether it only supports public network. If
supporting VPN at the same time, there might occur the following
case: only on address is displayed among the same IP addresses.

ipAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IpAddressEntry
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS     current
          "This table contains addressing information relevant to the
           entity's interfaces.
           This table does not contain multicast address information.
           Tables for such information should be contained in multicast
           specific MIBs, such as RFC 3019.
           While this table is writable, the user will note that
           several objects, such as ipAddressOrigin, are not.  The
           intention in allowing a user to write to this table is to
           allow them to add or remove any entry that isn't
           permanent.  The user should be allowed to modify objects
           and entries when that would not cause inconsistencies
           within the table.  Allowing write access to objects, such
           as ipAddressOrigin, could allow a user to insert an entry
           and then label it incorrectly.
ipAddressPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     RowPointer
   MAX-ACCESS read-only
   STATUS     current
          "A pointer to the row in the prefix table to which this
           address belongs.  May be { 0 0 } if there is no such row."
   DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
   ::= { ipAddressEntry 5 }

B. R.
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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