On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 10:36:36 +0200
a...@natisbad.org (Arnaud Ebalard) wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> Thomas Narten <nar...@us.ibm.com> writes:
> > Thoughts?
> IPsec and IKE have seen limited deployment on IPv4 networks due to the
> lack of E2E there, caused by NAT (client/server model and deployment of
> TLS for protecting *applications*). Additionally, I also agree that
> IKEv1 specification documents (RFC 2407, 2408 and 2409) were a
> pain. PKI were not deployed and this was a problem too. 
> Today, IPv6 provides E2E connectivity between end hosts. The work
> performed by ipsecme WG on IKEv2 specification to merge previous IKEv1
> documents into something consistent (RFC 4306, RFC 4718 and now ikev2bis
> document) is impressive. PKI are now widely deployed, even if we still
> miss some global credential services. Now, most stacks (windows, linux,
> mac os x, ...) have IPv6 and IPsec available. Basically, IPv6, IPsec and
> IKE are already available on all devices which can and have any interest
> to run those.
> Now, the (IMHO only) remaining problems with IPsec and IKE on IPv6
> networks are the following:
>  - lack of global credential services (if some @google reads this ...).
>  - ability for end user to configure things easily, i.e. simple and
>    *usable* management interfaces

RFC 5386 / Better-Than-Nothing Security goes some way to addressing
that. Obviously not as secure as properly identified peers, but as the
name says (far) better than nothing.

I also think we should observe what seemed to have happened with the
DECT standards. Encryption was optional, so when I went to try to find
a DECT phone with it, I couldn't easily find one (and didn't). Cryto
does add a cost, however the scales of economy caused by mandating it
reduce that cost.

I'm also not completely sure the embedded platform load concern is a
strong one anymore. The IEEE have mandated 128 bit AES encryption for
the 802.15.4 / LoWPAN standards, and they're targeted at low power
embedded platforms.

So while I think the reasons to loosen the IPsec requirement are
fairly valid, I'd be concerned that it would cause the "DECT
problem" to happen. 

> > Proposed new text:
> >
> > 10.  Security
> >
> >    This section describes the specification of IPsec for IPv6 nodes.
> >
> >    Achieving security in practice is a complex undertaking.
> >    Operational procedures, protocols, key distribution mechanisms,
> >    certificate management approaches, etc. are all components that
> >    impact whether security is actually achieved in practice. More
> >    importantly, deficiencies or a poor fit in any one individual
> >    component can significantly reduce the overall effectiveness of an
> >    particular security approach.
> >
> >    IPsec provides channel security at the Internet layer, making it
> >    possible to provide secure communication for communication flows
> >    between pairs of internet hosts. IPsec provides sufficient
> >    flexibility and granularity that individual TCP connections can
> >    (selectively) be protected, etc.
> >
> >    IKEv2 is the key management protocol for IPsec. Although manual
> >    keying can be used with IPsec in some cases, the overall
> >    applicability of statically configured keys is limited. Thus, IPsec
> >    without IKEv2 has only limited value.
> >
> >    A range of security technologies and approaches proliferate today
> >    (e.g., IPsec, TLS, SSL, SSH, HTTPS, etc.) No one approach has
>  - I don't understand why you make a difference between SSL, TLS and
>    HTTPS. It's simply TLS.
>  - Except for advanced users, SSH serves a single purpose: remote
>    connections for administration. I don't know if it should be kept
>    here.
> In the end, you basically have IPsec at layer 3 and TLS at layer 4. I
> should also add the following: we use TLS in a very restricted way on
> the Internet today, for client/server communications and in fact mainly
> for browser/server communications. Mutual authentication is seldom,
> logic and configuration is per apps, ...
> >    emerged as an ideal technology for all needs. It seems clear that
> >    for the foresable future, that situation will not change. Moreover,
> >    IPsec is not viewed as the ideal security technology for all
> >    approaches and is unlikely to displace the others. That is, IPsec
> >    is not viewed as a good choice for all security needs.
> IMHO, the thing is not to mandate the *use* of an *IP security* solution
> in people' architectures and products, but to provide the guarantee that
> such a compatible IP security solution is available on the different
> systems we buy and deploy.
> AFAICT, IPsec/IKE is the only IP security solution we have. We know it
> works. It's mainly a matter of guaranteed availability, like for
> IPv6. If one has the guarantee to find that on all common IPv6 devices,
> then you get interoperability and deployment.
> A "MUST support IPsec and IKE" would be a step in the good direction.
> >    Previously, IPv6 mandated implementation of IPsec and recommended
> >    the key management approach of IKE. This document updates that
> >    recommendation by making support of both IPsec and IKEv2 a SHOULD
> >    for IPv6 nodes. In particular, it is recognized that there are a
> >    range of device types and environments where other approaches to
> >    security than IPsec can be more appropriate. This is particularly
> >    the case for smaller specialized, single-purpose devices that
> >    support only very limited applications or run on constrained
> >    hardware. In other environments, support for IPsec and IKEv2 should
> >    be considered a very strong SHOULD, if not a MUST.
> I think the text is well written and captures the main issue, which is
> IMHO related to RFC 2119: small devices that cannot run TLS or IPsec/IKE
> due to their hardware limitations prevent the use of a "MUST". Because
> we do not have another keyword in the context of RFC documents, "SHOULD"
> is the only solution if we keep those devices in the global scope of
> "IPv6 nodes".
> To me, the problem with the "strong SHOULD" is that it will not prevent
> anyone to ship an IPv6 system with TLS-enabled apps (i.e. no hardware
> limitations) and not IPsec/IKE at all while still claim compatibility
> with the standard.
> Cheers,
> a+
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