On Aug 10, 2010, at 14:57, Michael Richardson wrote:

> The rational for lots of bits would be to
> encourage random allocation such that in the event that two
> uncoordinated ROLL networks happened to merge (even for a few
> minutes!!!) that the likelyhood of cross talk would be reduced.

Hmm.  If this is intended as a routine way to handle the situation, the 
likelihood is still way to high.
(If this is just intended as a mitigation to increase robustness in a case that 
already is an error situation that is being actively avoided by other means, 
your argument might be more interesting.)

> A merge like I describe here is not directly envisaged by the current
> set of requirements in my opinion, but I think that requirement will
> emerge in the future.

DANGER.  Adding complexity to a protocol to cater for requirements that don't 
exist yet leads to convoluted solutions.  Never do that.
(Note that this situation is different from the selection of one out of a set 
of same-complexity alternatives, where it is quite useful to conjecture about 
potential future requirements to generate a tie breaker.  Note also that 
extensibility by itself is a known current requirement for any protocol, which 
is quite different from designing in all conceivable future extensions.)

Gruesse, Carsten

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