>>>>> "Fred" == Fred Baker <f...@cisco.com> writes:
    Fred> I would find that surprising. There are ample cases where the
    Fred> originator of a high data rate flow (sensor data from a radio
    Fred> telescope to a number cruncher, to pick one example) might
    Fred> want to use the flow label to send data from one session down
    Fred> multiple paths. Multi-path TCP would be another example. I
    Fred> suppose you could argue that consistently alternating among N
    Fred> flow labels can be thought of as N separate flows, but if it's
    Fred> TCP there are other ramifications. 

I did write:

    >> points) were mandated that they must now always set a FL consistently on
    >> a flow, and set it to a non-zero value, that this would satisfy the
    >> requirements of load balancers.

I don't mean to say that the FL has to be a single value: I guess it
could be from a set of values if one wants to do multi-path.

    Fred> In any event, the requirement of the load balancer is not that
    Fred> the originator gives things a tag; we can develop such tags
    Fred> from a hash of the source and destination address quite well,
    Fred> thanks. The important thing is that things are tagged in a

Well... if FL is unique per sender's concept of flow, that's 128+20 bits
for the tcam vs 256+8+32 bits if you use the 5-tuple.  (why use a tcam
for this... I don't know... there are no wildcard bits.  A cam or
patricia-tree would be as good...)

    Fred> manner that helps the load balancer. There are two major uses
    Fred> of load balancers. In data centers, we balance sessions
    Fred> to/from sets of servers, and the question when a new session
    Fred> comes up is which server is most likely to be able to
    Fred> effectively serve it (has the necessary resources including
    Fred> access to the right disks, CPU cycles, etc). In bandwidth
    Fred> allocation uses (spreading load across multiple
    Fred> otherwise-equivalent paths), the question is how to use each
    Fred> of the paths most effectively - we want some traffic on each
    Fred> of them and we want none of the paths to be overloaded or
    Fred> introducing more delay or loss than others. Everyone's
    Fred> instinctive knee-jerk response to the question seems to be
    Fred> "hash something and depend on the law of large numbers to
    Fred> serve the need", and the observation of numerous operators is
    Fred> that the law of large numbers is a good start but is not an
    Fred> adequate solution. You really want the load balancer to be
    Fred> able to be smarter than that. 

    Fred> Which is why people that build load balancers frequently do so
    Fred> using NAT technology or some other way of tagging individual
    Fred> sessions. And why they are looking for mutable flow labels in
    Fred> this thread. 

So, they want to mutate all flow labels, or just non-zero ones?

    >>>>>>> "Rémi" == Rémi Després <remi.desp...@free.fr> writes:
    > Rémi> RFC 3697 isn't concerned with ASes, and doesn't need to be.
    > Rémi> The proposal is only that, where load balancing is performed, 
    > Rémi> 0 FLs MAY be replaced by meaningful values for this purpose.   
    > Rémi> A FL, once set to a non 0 value, never needs to be reset.

    mcr> okay, so what you are saying is that load balancing uses of the FL are
    mcr> only upset when they see zero.  So for instance, if layer-4s (i.e. end
    mcr> points) were mandated that they must now always set a FL consistently 
    mcr> a flow, and set it to a non-zero value, that this would satisfy the
    mcr> requirements of load balancers.
    mcr> In this context, permission would be given to set zero FL to a non-zero
    mcr> value. 
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