> These mechanisms are applicable to any type of link, would preserve the
> simplicity of universal 64 bit IIDs and the other benefits of them e.g.
> CGAs, as well as avoiding the ping-pong problem.

IMHO, the "universality" of 64 bit IIDs went down the drain the moment
router vendors allowed longer than 64 bit netmasks to be configured.

For the routers I am most familiar with (Juniper, Cisco), longer than
64 bit netmasks have been configurable for many years. And such masks
are heavily used for provider backbone links.

The IPv6 standards community can of course continue to pretend a belief
in universal 64 bit IIDs - thus ensuring that they are out of touch
with IPv6 reality...

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sth...@nethelp.no
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