Hi Thomas and Brian,
        Thanks for the help.  I will discuss the matter with the implementor.   
My understanding is that this was a software decision based on there reading of 


On Nov 3, 2010, at 8:34 AM, Brian Haberman wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> On 11/3/10 8:00 AM, Thomas Narten wrote:
>> Hi Tim
>>> At the UNH-IOL we recently received a router implementation that
>>>         discards a packet when it receives a packet with a hop
>>>         limit of zero.  Based on the following quote from RFC 2460,
>>>         "The packet is discarded if Hop Limit is decremented to
>>>         zero."  If router is the end-node it should still process
>>>         the the packet, as the hop-limit isn't decremented until
>>>         the packet is forwarded.
>> That is the intended behavior. You only discard a packet if you
>> decrement the TTL and it reaches zero.
> Correct.
>>>     According to RFC 4443 Section 3.3 "If a router receives a
>>> packet with a Hop Limit of zero, or if a router decrements a
>>> packet's Hop Limit to zero, it MUST discard the packet and originate
>>> an ICMPv6 Time Exceeded message with Code 0 to the source of the
>>> packet."  The UNH-IOL had interpreted router to be a device that is
>>> forwarding a packet, therefore the packet should still be processed
>>> when it's the end receiver.  The implementation viewed this quote as
>>> stating that a router should discard the packet regardless of being
>>> the end receiver.
>> This section refers to the generation of a Time Exceeded Message. You
>> shouldn't be executing this section of the spec unless you had already
>> decided to generate such a message. (That said, the wording above
>> could be better.)
> I agree the wording could be better.  I would also note that it is
> possible that this particular router implementation may have a different
> design than other routers.  Is it possible that the forwarding logic is
> used generically to move locally destined traffic to the main processor?
> In this case, the forwarding ASIC still thinks it is routing the packet.
>>> So I would like to ask the working group should a router always
>>>         discard a packet with a hop limit of zero even when it's
>>>         the end receiver of the packet?
>> IMO, only if it decrements the TTL and it reaches zero.  One only
>> decrements if one is about to forward a packet...
>> Also, RFC 2460 says:
>>>   Hop Limit            8-bit unsigned integer.  Decremented by 1 by
>>>                        each node that forwards the packet. The packet
>>>                        is discarded if Hop Limit is decremented to
>>>                        zero.
> Right.  So, is this router under test using a different design that
> doesn't fit the generic router model used to develop this text?
> Regards,
> Brian
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