I would be happy to see this published as-is, but I did notice
a few points.

I think the Introduction needs a general warning something like:

 This document reflects the state of IPv6 standards at a particular
 moment. Subsequent standards work and operational experience may
 require changes to the recommendations in this document.

Also in the Introduction:

>    As it is not always possible for an implementer to know the exact
>    usage of IPv6 in a node, an overriding requirement for IPv6 nodes is
>    that they should adhere to Jon Postel's Robustness Principle:
>    Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from
>    others [RFC0793].

Note that this is also present in RFC 1958, by which time
Jon had reformulated it slightly as:

> Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving.

In 4.  Sub-IP Layer

>    In addition to traditional physical link-layers, it is also possible
>    to tunnel IPv6 over other protocols.  Examples include:

Should we mention that basic v6/v4 tunnels are specified in [RFC4213]?

And the examples

>    -  Teredo: Tunneling IPv6 over UDP through Network Address
>       Translations (NATs) [RFC4380]
>    -  Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4 Domains without Explicit Tunnels
>       [RFC2529]

may not be so well chosen. Teredo is not loved by operators, and
RFC 2529 is essentially unused today. Maybe 6rd (RFC 5969)and
hub-and-spoke (RFC 5571) would be better examples.

Two topics are not mentioned.

1. The flow label and RFC 3697. I think that is probably wise until
we produce 3697bis.

2. DNSSEC. I don't recall whether we discussed that. If we did,
I'm sorry to raise it again. However, I suspect we will get pushback
in security review if it is not mentioned.

Nit: there should be a Replaces: 4294 header.


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