On 3/5/11 5:28 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 09:49 -0500, Scott Schmit wrote:
>> I'm leaning toward the interpretation being "if you're in fe80::/10,
>> you're link local, but addresses outside fe80::/64 are reserved."
> Linux treats link local addresses as being in a /64:
> wlan0     [...]
>           inet6 addr: fe80::222:fbff:fe54:9b80/64 Scope:Link
>           [...]
> While it may be that having bits set in that 54-bit region makes the
> address technically not a link local address, I think in practice you
> will see all addresses in fe80::/10 regarded as link local.

It is the FE80::/10 prefix that makes it link-local.  The FE80::/64 is
the currently documented formulation of a link-local unicast address
(and IANA properly reserves the FE80::/10 range).

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