Hi all,

We received a liaison [1] from ITU-T saying they're
planning to start a couple of work items on the
security of IPv6. As far as we know, they envisage
developing a "technical guideline on deploying IPv6"
and "Security Management Guideline for implementation
of IPv6 environment in telecommunications
organizations." Bear in mind that they're just starting
so they know about as much as we would just before a
BoF or something like that.

I think we'd like to respond to them that that's great,
and we'll be interested in their results, but can they
*please* come back to us before saying something should
be changed so's we can talk about it.

If you've comments or ideas on that, please respond
to this in the next week. At that point, we'll
get some help translating this into liaison-speak
(thanks Eliot:-) and send the result to these lists for
a quick check before shipping it off to the ITU-T


[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/liaison/1047/

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