Ran and others,

For the case of non-fragmented packets, use of the full 5 input
parameters ought to be mandated.

For the case of fragmented packets, use of reduced inputs that
are available in the IPv6 header alone should be permitted
as an option for implementers.

I think you are making it easier than it really is.

Here's the problem.

The first packet arrives and its small. The router can read the 5-tuple. All fine so far. Picking

   flowid = f(5-tuple)

The next packet arrives, only this time it is fragmented. The router cannot read the 5-tuple from all fragments. Now, what is the router supposed to do? Here are its options:

1. Reassemble to find the 5-tuple information. All is fine, except that its a heavy implementation burden (and a DoS vulnerability).

2. Revert to using 2-tuple for the fragmented packet:

    flowid' = f(2-tuple)

Now flowid != flowid' This is really bad, as it means that a normal packet and a fragmented packet for the same flow would have different flowids, and might take different routes, be re-ordered, etc.

3. Do some magic matching of fragment identifiers. Again, we can find the 5-tuple, but now the router has to remember per-session state (another DoS vulnerability).

Or am I missing something? I think the first-hop router has to set the flowid in every packet of the flow, doesn't it?


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