Hi Kundok,

Your description is correct.  The processing rules in the draft do not apply if 
the packet does not contain a RPL Option.  If no RPL Option exists, then the 
RPL router should process the datagram like any other datagram it may receive 
from a node not running RPL.

Jonathan Hui

On Dec 16, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Park, Kundok wrote:

> Hi, Jonathan,
> I think I now understand. My understanding is as if the cases 2 and 3 were 
> written in the following way:
>  2.  Datagrams, which can be forwarded within the same RPL Instance as in
>      the RPL Option contained in outer-most IPv6 header inside the
>      datagrams, are forwarded to the correct interface.
>  3.  Datagrams, which cannot be forwarded within the same RPL Instance
>      as in the RPL option contained in the outer-most IPv6 header inside
>      the datagrams, are dropped.
>  4.  Datagrams, which does not contain a RPL option in the outer-most IPv6
>      Header inside the datagrams, can be either forwarded to available
>      network or dropped if the next hop cannot be determined.
>      RPL router may encapsulate the datagrams using IPv6-in-IPv6 tunneling
>      when forwarding them, adding RPL Option to the newly added outer
>      IPv6 header.
>      Note that, if a datagram, which does not contain a RPL option, was
>      delivered to the RPL router using IPv6-in-IPv6 tunneling, and the
>      outer IPv6 header contained a RPL option, and the recipient RPL
>      router decides to forward the datagram using the same RPL Instance
>      as in the processed RPL option, the RPL router encapsulates the
>      packet again and include the same RPL Option following the
>      requirements mentioned above in this section.
> Is my understanding correct?
> Thank you.
> BR,
> Kundok
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jonathan Hui [mailto:jon...@cisco.com]
>> Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 3:49 PM
>> To: Park, Kundok
>> Cc: ipv6@ietf.org
>> Subject: Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-6man-rpl-option-06.txt
>> Hi Kundok,
>> As the processing rules state, Case 1 only occurs when the RPL router is
>> the tunnel exit-point.  Case 2 and 3 occur only when the RPL router is
>> *not* the tunnel exit-point and is an intermediate hop of a tunnel.
>> Take the following example of nested tunnels:
>> | TunnelA | TunnelB | Datagram |
>> If the RPL router is the exit-point for TunnelA, the RPL router will first
>> apply Case 1, decapsulate the packet by removing the TunnelA header, and
>> resubmit the datagram for further processing.
>> The RPL router then applies the processing rules again to the resubmitted
>> datagram.  In this case, the outer-most header now refers to TunnelB.  If
>> the RPL router is not the exit-point for TunnelB, it applies either Case 2
>> or 3.
>> This is typically how nested tunnels are handled in IPv6.
>> --
>> Jonathan Hui
>> On Dec 16, 2011, at 3:21 PM, Park, Kundok wrote:
>>> Hi, Jonathan,
>>> Thanks for your quick reply.
>>> Unfortunately I am still a bit confused.
>>> Based on your reply, I guess that the case 1 is meant only for the case
>> of tunnel exit-point being the final RPL router along a path, when the
>> tunnel is used.
>>> The same RPL instance mentioned in case 2 perhaps means the RPL instance
>> in the outer header when a tunnel is used and when the RPL router is not
>> the final RPL router along a path, and does the case 2 also apply to a
>> case where RPL router is the final RPL router along a path?
>>> Does the case 3 only apply to the RPL router being the final RPL router
>> along a path when tunnel is used but not to the RPL router not being the
>> final router along a path? If the answer is yes, by the outer-most IPv6
>> header, did you mean the outer-most IPv6 header of the inner packet and
>> does RPL Instance in this context mean any RPL instance that the RPL
>> router joined?
>>> I'd appreciate if you can clarify furthermore.
>>> BR,
>>> Kundok
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Jonathan Hui [mailto:jon...@cisco.com]
>>>> Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 2:00 PM
>>>> To: Park, Kundok
>>>> Cc: ipv6@ietf.org
>>>> Subject: Re: I-D Action: draft-ietf-6man-rpl-option-06.txt
>>>> Hi Kundok,
>>>> If the RPL router is serves as the tunnel-exit, it falls into case 1
>> and
>>>> removes the outer-most header in the usual way.  If the IPv6 header
>> after
>>>> decapsulation includes another RPL Option, the router uses the RPL
>>>> Instance of that RPL Option and evaluates the forwarding rules again
>> (this
>>>> time applying case 2 or 3).  RPL can support a hierarchy of RPL routing
>>>> topologies.
>>>> Does that help?
>>>> --
>>>> Jonathan Hui
>>>> On Dec 16, 2011, at 8:55 AM, Park, Kundok wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Jonathan,
>>>>> I have a question on the following text on version 6, on page 8.
>>>>> "
>>>>> 2.  Datagrams destined elsewhere within the same RPL Instance are
>>>>>     forwarded to the correct interface.
>>>>> 3.  Datagrams destined to nodes outside the RPL Instance are dropped
>>>>>     if the outer-most IPv6 header contains a RPL Option not generated
>>>>>     by the RPL router forwarding the datagram.
>>>>> "
>>>>> Can you clarify the meaning of the (same) RPL instance in the above
>>>> text? Is it the RPL instance in the outer-most IPv6 header? For
>> instance,
>>>> if a RPL packet is tunneled to a RPL router using another RPL instance
>> and
>>>> the recipient RPL router is the exit point of the outer tunnel, must
>> the
>>>> router discard such a packet whether the router joined the RPL instance
>> of
>>>> the inner packet or not?
>>>>> To phrase it differently, can RPL be used in a virtual network over a
>>>> network which happens to use another RPL instance as an underlying
>> routing
>>>> protocol?
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> BR,
>>>>> Kundok Park
>>>>> Texas Instruments
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