On Dec 22, 2011, at 7:04 AM, Mukul Goyal wrote:

>> And by the same logic, when forwarding a message, there is no guarantee that 
>> all neighboring nodes reachable via an interface belong to the same RPL 
>> routing domain.
> The receiving router could check if it belongs to the RPL domain listed in 
> the SRH. If not, it can drop the packet.

And what information does the SRH provide that indicates what RPL routing 
domain it is coming from?  A node now has to know what neighbors are in its RPL 
routing domain?

>> The *entire* point of the RPL Instance concept is to support MTR.  The RPL 
>> Instance is used to distinguish between different DODAGs from the same root. 
>>  It gives you the ability to have multiple different routes to the same 
>> destination (e.g. one that minimizes latency vs. one that minimizes energy 
>> consumption).  If you don't have the RPL Instance information when 
>> forwarding a packet, how do you know whether to forward along the path that 
>> minimizes latency vs. the path that minimizes energy?
> Suppose a tunnel exit point knows that the SRH that carried the packet so far 
> had RPL Instance ID 'x' which happens to be associated with OF0. What 
> information does that give to the tunnel exit point? Is OF0 associated with 
> minimizing of latency or of energy? What is preventing this particular RPL 
> Instance ID 'x' with OF0 to be associated with two different DAGs - one 
> minimizing latency and the other minimizing energy?

The tunnel exit-point knows what kind of paths the tunnel entry-point is 
forwarding the packet along.  Again, the whole purpose of RPL Instances is to 
allow multiple paths optimized with different OFs towards the same destination. 
 If a forwarding device has no idea of what path to choose, then why bother 
with a RPL Instance?

>> See slide 18 of 
>> http://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB-uploads/2011/04/Vasseur.pdf if you want 
>> one such reference of MTR and RPL Instances.
>> As I mentioned above, the RPL Instance allows you to have multiple distinct 
>> paths towards the same destination.  The RPL hop-by-hop option includes a 
>> RPL Instance ID so that a forwarding node knows which routing topology to 
>> use.  If RPL did not allow multiple routes to the same destination, then why 
>> bother having a RPL Instance?  You would only need the DODAGID to uniquely 
>> identify a DODAG (whereas the existing definition is the "tuple 
>> (RPLInstanceID, DODAGID) uniquely identifies a DODAG".
> All this discussion is really besides the point. If we could just have the 
> RPL domain and not the RPL Instance as the scope for an SRH, that will solve 
> my problem.

Limiting to a RPL Instance is well-defined.  Limiting to a RPL routing domain 
requires a little more thought.  Can you propose the exact processing rules 
that would clearly limit a routing header to a RPL routing domain?

Jonathan Hui

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