Hi, Bjoern,

On 01/02/2012 07:10 PM, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> Contrary to how a lot of people seem to read RFC 2460, especially the last
> paragraph of section 5 (also subject to Florian's Errata 2843), I basically
> read (in) the past:
> 4.5 "The Fragment header is used by an IPv6 source to send a packet larger
>    than would fit in the path MTU to its destination."  
> ``You shall not add a fragment header unless you really need to''.

Well, it's supposedly (specs-wise) also used to help translating devices
in the fragmentation of packets...

> The only way you must add a fragment header for a packet size below 1280 is
> when it is a packet going to a v4 destination (i.e. say through NAT64 these
> days).  How you can track this (if you can) and how you get that information
> is beyond the scope of 2460 but you need to know to be able to.  Otherwise
> you shall not.

That's not what the specs state. The specs say that if you receive an
ICMPv6 PTB advertising an MTU <= you need not fragment, but should
include a fragment header.

> This is the reason ipfw originally dropped what people now seem to call
> "atomic fragments".

Well, it's a useful short-hand for "packets that hace a fragment offset
of zero and for which the M bit is not set".. ;-)

> When I PR started to look at the PR I consulted briefly with Bob and the
> outcome of the short exchange for me was:
> - the "atomic frags" do not seem to hurt in this particular filtering case
>   and could possibly be allowed.

Atomic fragments could be safely processed as if they were not
fragmented traffic at all... see the I-D we published...

> While I still feel that these "atomic frags" should be sent to the packet
> shredder on first sight it seemed to match reality (and especially
> operational impact) better.  However I left a sysctl for individuals to
> control their preference.

ANy comments regarding processing them as non-fragmented traffic, as
noted in draft-gont-6man-ipv6-atomic-fragments ?

> Another thing on the "atomic frags" I was (partly) shown was that they seemed
> to have a length in the 50 octets size which would even be way below other
> minimums.  So I am really not feeling too confident that it's not just silly
> stacks or software bugs and it would really be thrilling if people could 
> figure
> out OS and version and reason why some systems send them.

Well I'm certainly am after that. However, the point is that we need not
over-engineer this one: these atomic fraggments could be safely
processed without running into the typical IP fragmentation issues...

> On the entire "fragmentation related security issues" topic, I feel we are
> seriously heading into wrong directions to just more complications rather than
> simplifications.
> The idea of having the fragment offset to stay compatible the way things 
> worked
> in IPv4 certainly was a great idea and has later proven to be a PITA.  What 
> I'd
> really like to have is a silly fragment counter 1..n, so no overlapping 
> possible
> (and not just not allowed on paper anymore as that does not remove that code
> to check from the stacks), simple handling of duplicate fragments, and no
> "atomic frags" allowed.

That makes a bunch of IP fragmentation attacks (mostly DoS) trivial...
-- we should have learnt the leason from IPv4, shouldn't we?

> Luckily the fragment header still has a lot of spare space that could allow
> to indicate which scheme is used and dropping a packet unless a bit is set
> (not being set indicating the old scheme) is really easy to implement, esp.
> after a transition period and ripping the old code out would be as well 
> then;-)
> I 'd really not want to add even more complicated house keeping and stuff
> long term.

You're already in a complicated position as a result of predictable I-Ds

OpenBSD randomized them, OpenSolaris implemented the scheme that is
descrivbed in the I-D I published... what's the big deal about it?

Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492

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