On Wed, 2012-08-01 at 17:58 -0700, Alexandru Petrescu wrote:
> The choice today is more than b/w 'if M then DHCP is available
> otherwise SLAAC'.

That has never been the choice. It's never been either/or, one excluding
the other. Rock solid mechanisms exist to stop hosts doing SLAAC - the
autoconf flag, which DOES impose mandatory behaviour on the host, or,
worst-case, use of a non/64. And a rock solid method exists to stop
hosts doing DHCPv6 - just don't provide service to the subnet. Neither
mechanism is onerous, neither method is complex.

>   Both DHCP and SLAAC advanced towards doing what the other does,
> and it is _still_ possible to need some features from one and some
> from the other - it's still impossible to use just one for everything.
> (eg RA doesnt PD, DHCP doesnt MTU, and more)

You are talking here about what information is delivered via the two
mechanisms, not the operations of the mechanisms themselves.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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