On Aug 14, 2012, at 4:41 AM, Francis Dupont wrote:

> I remember (perhaps the first detected duplicate?) a very early occurrence
> before 1995 with a DEC box using a cloned full config. Same Decnet address
> so same MAC address so same IPv6 link-local address…

Where I'm coming from in this is an expectation on my part that appears to not 
be shared. If duplicate MAC addresses are unusual but reasonably common (happen 
with some probability like .01% or whatever), there's a reasonable expectation 
that there would be a work-around for the issue. The work-around, I suggest, 
would be to have the station use a privacy address instead of a MAC-based 
address when a duplicate MAC address is detected.

I've said before that I find the fixation an MAC addresses strange; not all 
devices have MAC addresses in the first place, and having built an EID from a 
MAC address, there is no case in which we try to derive the MAC address from 
it. Not all devices, believe it or not, have Ethernet or WiFi interfaces, and 
one with a WiFi and something else, such as your telephone, would only use the 
WiFi MAC address for the EID on that interface. What do I mean by "deriving the 
MAC from the EID"? There was a proposal in CLNS at one point (which failed for 
several reasons) to not need ES-IS and instead simply use the MAC address of an 
interface as the host identifier part of an NSAP - a router could pull it out 
and simply forward the datagram to the derived MAC address - and that model was 
used in XNS and IPX as well. But for the same reasons that OSI didn't go with 
that model, we have not chosen to go with that model in IPv6. 

So the MAC address is at most a seed for building an EID, one of many, and to 
my small mind if it doesn't result in a unique one, the obvious recovery action 
is to pick another by a different algorithm.

I gather nobody agrees with me.
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