I think this is a good topic to review. I think we should look to this.

While we do this, can I check your view on the possible document status?
- If we need RFC2119 keywords to make the guidelines normative, would we
make the document BCP - or are you happy with standards keywords in an
informational document?


> Barry Leiba has entered the following ballot position for
> draft-ietf-6man-udpchecksums-04: Discuss
> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
> email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
> introductory paragraph, however.)
> Please refer to http://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/discuss-criteria.html
> for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is a combined DISCUSS on udpchecksums and udpzero.  First, let me
> say that I have no actual objection to publishing either of these
> documents.  What I'm concerned about is whether we're saying what we want
> to stay as a "standard", so let's discuss that:
> The issue comes when I look at udpzero Section 5.1 and udpchecksums
> section 5.  The numbered list in the latter is essentially a
> word-for-word copy of the numbered list in the former, with the "must"s
> and "may"s and "should not"s changed to upper case.  It always bothers me
> when a significant amount of important text is duplicated like that, but
> the real problem comes when I look at what this *says*.
> Because udpzero is informational, when it says, "If a zero checksum
> approach were to be adopted by the IETF, the specification should
> consider adding the following constraints on usage," that makes no
> normative requirement on any future protocol that runs on UDP and decides
> to bypass the UDP checksums.  Now, of course, we also have a document,
> udpchecksums, which defines what to do if you do tunneling on UDP and you
> want to skip the outer checksums (because you have inner ones).  *That*
> document makes this list normative.
> But what happens if, later, someone decides to document how to do, let's
> say, media streaming over UDP with zero checksums.  The analysis in
> udpzero applies, of course, but the new document is under no obligation
> to consider it or any of those usage restrictions in Section 5.1.  (It
> might be that such a document could never get past the current community
> and ADs, but I'm not sure we want to leave that to chance.)
> So the question comes to what we want to say normatively.  Which is it
> that we want a standard saying?
> 1. If you tunnel packets over UDP and want to avoid the UDP checksums,
> you need to use this list of restrictions.  But other applications over
> UDP that want to avoid the UDP checksums can make entirely different
> decisions.
> or
> 2. If you do *anything* over UDP and want to avoid the UDP checksums, you
> need to use this list of restrictions.  And here's how tunneling over UDP
> works.
> I think (2) is right, but the way the documents are structured now says
> (1).
> Discussion, please....
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ipv6@ietf.org
> Administrative Requests: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6
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